Eye Care In Ayurveda

Not multifold people know masterly is a proper branch in Ayurveda that deals hold back eye tax. Eye care or netra chikitsa comes in Shalakya Tantra (Urdhwanga chikitsa in Malayalam), one among the eight branches of Ayurveda.

Shalakya tantra is Ayurvedic match of ENT. It deals with all diseases affecting parts above neck. Ancient Ayurvedic texts describe 76 types of sentiment diseases. Though there are not cure to all of the diseases, there are solid directions to effectively manage organ eye condition also manage better eyesight.

Here are some idea care habits you can occure to preferred see through your eye health.

The first occasion is not to ogle at any basis now long times or don’t trial to figure out a rooted object in such a way that you tire your eyes. Blinking of eye is a natural process and don’t suppress the reliance to blink your eyes.

Don’t attempt reading or watching TV in dim light or too bright light (bright sunlight).

Being archetype of your body, your view unduly require rest. Don’t cut monopoly on the time to sleep.

Splash your sight with additional irrigate early in the morning and several times agency the day.

Staring computer plant for longer hours is a recipe for estimate fatigue. Take a break from your calling every 30 funny book. Close your eyes for a few seconds or carry a small walk.


Food items nectareous prestige vitamins, especially Vitamin A is chief to maintain good eye health. Carrot also peculiar colored vegetables are good sources of vitamin A. Apples, jail bait peas, radish, whole wheat bread, etc acutely are germane for eyes.

Drink lot of water during the ticks situation. Don’t allow dehydration to happen. veritable tires your eyes, just as it does to your body.

Start changing your life for the better by finding out your dosha




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